Page name: Fighting Game Fan Art Contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-10-11 06:44:11
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[Every entry was amazing!]
Ok guys, I know it's been a long time, I forgot that the links to the badges had been erased (U can thank my ex for that) So I made some new ones, and since they're in MY Photobucket account, they WON'T get erased guys!

[Dumpysaurus] colored Hsien-Ko beautifully

[(eeob)] Amazing Seung Mina CG.

[dilandau] Awesome Cervantes drawing.

[the Emerald Knight] won the Award of my Favorite with his amazing Ryu and Ken Street Fighter tribute, great job.

This contest is where you draw Fan Art from any fighting game which includes but not limited to the Street Fighter series, Tekken series, Soul Calibur, Mortal Kombat, Dead Or Alive, ect. As long as it's a fighting game character/s it qualifies for this contest. Any medium except photo manipulation is allowed. 

There will be a First Second and Third Place. All places will receive a badge for their houses. I am currently at work on them now. First place can request that I draw them a character from a fighting game since this is a fighting game Fan Art Contest. But, I am not that great of an artist, but hey, at least I am trying to give you a prize, as sad as it may be, lol.

The judging for the contest will be decided by a poll when there are 15 entries.

Thank You! Now get to drawing or submitting your Fighting Game Fan Art! 

If you have any questions or need help posting your art, don't hesitate to IM me[*DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE*]

Here Are The Rules:
1. Must be your drawing. No tracing. No 
stealing Art. No PhotoManipulation.
2. You Can Now Have 2 Entries
3. Must be a character/s from a Fighting  Game.
4. Please Number your entries and tell me the medium, who the character is and what game the character is from.

Here's an example
0. [*DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE*] Jin Kazama from The Tekken series painted in Acrylics.

1. [dilandau] cervantes from soul calibur 2
drawn with pencil.

2. [xDyingx Valentinex] Isabelle Ivy Valentine, a goddess

3. [Sorrow Man] Ryu from Street Fighter. I mainly used color pencils and markers and out lined it with a sharpie.

4. [Bad_Badtz] This is an old one kinda, buuuut I still like it. Yeah, its Kazuya and Jin from Tekken Tag, my fav. I actually drew this for an art assignment, thats why it contains all those weird lines. ^__^

5. [iippo] Prince Leon of Persia from Brutal - Paws of Fury. Note the visual pun in the background: Purple Haze XD Colour pencils.

6. [the Emerald Knight] Ken & Ryu from Street Fighter Characters drawn in Pencil and colored w/ colored pencil.Background done in PhotoShop

7. [bratkitty] - My fanart of Cammy! :D I wish I had legs like that! *sob*

8.[dilandau] majin buu from DBZ budakai 2
done in pencil

9. [Moonknight]
a. Sakura from the Street Fighter series
b. Ryu from Street Fighter drawn with pencil and colored with Photoshop.

10. [Dumpysaurus] Hsien-ko (or Lei Lei) from Darkstalkers, in watercolor and oil pastel. Hee, I've never played the game!

11. [(eeob)] Seung Mina from Soul Calibur 2..shes my favortie ^_^. Photoshop 7, and a little bit of love.

12. [Farewell] Cloud.

13. [WestFactor] Chun Li from Street Fighter.

14. [Cat2147] Morrigan Aensland from Darkstalkers or click on my name to see pic

15. [Naughty Angel] character from street fighter done in color pencil <img:>

Username (or number or email):


2004-03-19 [xDyingx Valentinex]: ooooo cool can i put in jen from primal? Does she count?

2004-03-21 [*DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE*]: Yeah Primal counts. It's a fighting game. May be dinosaurs, but it is a fighting game. Yeah go ahead and post it!

2004-03-21 [*DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE*]: I've also decided to close the contest for judging when theres 20 entries.

2004-04-06 [*DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE*]: If any of you would be interested in submitting your Fighting Game Fan Art for online viewing, here is a site that you can submit your fighting game fan art to, and the Webmaster loves new Fan Art, and always is sure to put them in the Gallery quickly too. You can email him your Fan Art at i already have sent him nearly every Fighting Game Fan Art peice I've ever drawn, lol. Your Fan Art would be a nice addition to the site! ^_^ 

2004-04-22 [Dumpysaurus]: Ooh, ooh, fighting game art contest! I should've checked out this wiki-thingy sooner! I'll see if I can't enter.....

2004-04-24 [iippo]: ...

2004-04-26 [Dumpysaurus]: Hmm, I'm working on an entry, but...... I'm not the brightest monkey in the bunch. I'm not sure how to enter. Help?

2004-04-28 [*DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE*]: Well, post the pic in your house and when I get online again (hopefully soon) I shall tell you how or post it for you. Can't wait to see your entry!

2004-04-29 [Dumpysaurus]: Hooray! I'll go do that now. Thanks a bajillion!

2004-05-02 [*DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE*]: There ya go. I posted it for you. Now just click on " Edit this page" and by your name type in the info for your pic!

2004-05-02 [*DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE*]: That's an amazing coloring job there too, alot better coloring than I ever do. It's really really good!

2004-05-03 [Dumpysaurus]: Yay! Thanks. I'm thinking of doing another entry, just 'cause I can!

2004-05-03 [Dumpysaurus]: Yeek, I tried to put info by my drawing, but I saw nowhere to put it. Why oh why must I be so slow?

2004-05-10 [Dumpysaurus]: Wait, it must be HTML, right? It sucks being dumb.

2004-05-10 [Dumpysaurus]: oh, well THERE it is! *smacks self* Man, I'm talking to myself now.

2004-05-11 [*DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE*]: You want me to put your new entry up too?

2004-05-11 [xDyingx Valentinex]: wow dumpy cool colouring pose!

2004-05-12 [Dumpysaurus]: Thankyoo! Hehe, people like to call me dumpy.

2004-05-15 [xDyingx Valentinex]: mainly cause i is lazy >: p

2004-05-16 [Dumpysaurus]: heeheehee.... I gotta get to work on another entry. I have some more capcom stuff, but I wanna do something new for this.

2004-06-08 [(eeob)]: Wow! Tough competetion here...jesus.

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